Flight Attendant Stories

Traveled Abroad Lately? Slavery Is Still Alive And Well World-Wide.

Have you traveled to any of the countries listed here?  Below is only a partial list of countries still using forced labor, aka slavery, along with the products produced by forced labor.  Perhaps you might want to think twice about purchasing any of the items listed that come from these countries?  As a seasonal reminder, note the Christmas Decorations produced in China, and made with forced labor. 

ANGOLA (Diamonds); ARGENTINA (Garments); BOLIVIA (Brazil Nuts/Chestnuts, Cattle, Corn, Charcoal, Sugarcane, Timber, Tobacco); BURMA (Bambo, Beans [yellow, soy, green], Bricks, Jade, Palm Thatch, Castor Beans, Rice, Rubber, Rubies, Sesame, Shrimp, Sugarcane, Sunflowers, Teak); CHINA (Artificial flowers, Bricks, Christmas Decorations, Coal, Cotton, Electronics, Fireworks, Footwear, Garments, Nails, Toys); COLUMBIA (Coca – stimulant plant); COTE d’IVOIRE (Cocoa, Coffee); DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Sugarcane); ETHIOPIA (Textiles – hand woven); GHANA (Tilapia – fish); INDIA (Bricks, Carpets, Cottonseed, Embroidered Textiles, Garments, Rice, Stones); JORDAN (Garments); KAZAKHSTAN (Cotton, Tobacco); MALAYSIA (Garments, Oil); NEPAL (Bricks, Carpets, Embroidered Textiles, Stones); NIGERIA (Cocoa, Granite, Gravel – crushed stones); NORTH KOREA (Bricks, Cement, Coal, Gold, Iron, Textiles); PAKISTAN (Bricks, Carpets, Coal, Cotton, Sugarcane, Wheat); PARAGUAY (Cattle); PERU (Brazil Nuts/Chestnuts, Gold, Timber); RUSSIA (Pornography); SIERRA LEONE (Diamonds); THAILAND (Garments, Shrimp).

Source:  U.S. Dept. of Labor, 2010 list.

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